Thursday, June 03, 2010

Yee Haw!

Today was "Dress Like a Cowboy" Day at school. Sydney was stylin' her new cowgirl hat and 6-shooters. She was so excited to don her new gears and be the new sheriff in town. I didn't have time to find cowboy boots, a badge or a rope for her to complete the outfit, but it'll do for now.

"Look at me," she said, "I'm hot!"
Ya gotta love the bright red hat.

She was hamming it up, posing with her cap guns. She seemed to be saying: "Put 'em up, pardner! Don't make me quick draw on ya!" Too bad she wasn't allowed to bring toys to school, especially toy guns.


Blogger Shirley said...

She is too stinking cute for words!

1:41 PM  

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