Some new pics

Here we are at the start of July 4th vacation. Being cute is hard work but someone has to do it. Might as well be Sydney. It's Sunday morning and 3 days 'til we head to Panama City Beach.

We're on the 7th floor overlooking the beach and the pool. The view was great. It was a little hot and hazy but otherwise manageable. It's Sydney's first time near the sea.

Sydney is ready for a bottle before going anywhere. She's being a real sport posing for the camera for a few more minutes while we warm up the formula.

We've been hanging out on the balcony for about 30 minutes now. Sydney is getting hot and frustrated. She is tired from the long trip and is ready for some beach action. We're about to head down to the pool first to cool off.

Groovy, baby. Sydney is in her new pink bathing suit and ready to work her mojo with the crowd. Yeah, baby, yeah. She is digging the shade and comfort of the portable "Pea Pod" with the netting down at this point.

Sydney is playing with her little toy crab and enjoying the light breezes by the pool.

Here we are at Applebee's with the gang. This is a picture of some of Sydney's cousins. The cutie to the left is Katie, a shy 4-yr old from Toronto. The one is the middle is Sabrina, a 5-yr old from Houston. She is a pill. The sweetie on the right is Savannah, the 11-yr old sister of Sabrina. She is the gentle one of the bunch.

Sydney is getting one more feeding on the beach Friday morning before we head home. The vacation was too short. None of us got a tan, but at least it didn't rain except for a few minutes on Thursday while the ladies were at the outlet mall shopping and the men were babysitting at the hotel. Sydney's skin is still ivory white. We didn't need to smother her in sunblock lotion everyday (although we did it anyway). It all worked out.
WOW! You guys are brave to head to the beach with all of that stuff. LOL! Can't wait to see more pictures!
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