Father's Day At Last
For days I've tried to imagine how I would feel when Father's Day comes around. During the last few days, some nice colleagues gave me a Father's Day card and sent emails to wish me a Happy First Father's Day. I felt good. I felt proud. I wondered what the weekend had in store for me.
Since both companies where Tracie and I worked allowed summer hours which we would work extra hours during Monday through Thursday and then work half a day on Friday, we met up for a Friday afternoon date. We did not have to pick up Sydney from the daycare until 7:00pm. We thought it would be nice to take the afternoon to catch a movie. It was great to go on a date again. After the movie, we went to get Sydney. She was resting in the arms of one of the staff members. They had a present for me. It was from Sydney for Father's Day. They had made an imprint of Sydney's tiny little feet in a round dish of plaster and painted the footprints red for a gift. They had also made a card that read "From Sydney to Daddy. Walking into Daddy's heart." How sweet! It made my day. I thanked the staff profusely and picked up my little girl to smother her with kisses. Before we left, the staff told us that they adored Sydney and that each staff member vied for a turn to hold her throughout the day. She was alert and talkative. She had won everyone's heart. I was not surprised.
We ventured to a couple of malls on Saturday to take advantage of the nice weather. It was hot but rain was nowhere in sight. Tracie wanted to find a bathing suit for Sydney since we were heading to the beach in a few weeks. She found the most adorable one piece bathing suit at Gymboree...and a large sun hat and another outfit. It was not long after we got home that Tracie had Sydney trying out new clothes. What a sight! Tracie had her own personal life-size Barbie doll to play dress up. Sydney was a good sport. They were both laughing and playing, having a good time together. I have to admit that the bathing suit was just perfect. Sydney will be just the cutest thing on that beach.
Father's Day came. Today was a peaceful day. Tracie promised me I didn't have to do a thing that I did not want to do. I spent a couple of hours in the morning mowing the lawn and settled down inside the house to get out of the heat. I just wanted to spend time with my family. Tracie took off to go to the grocery store; I stayed home to look after Sydney.
She gave me a perfect Father's Day's present. I get to spend a lot of time with little Sydney. She slept in my arms. Just look at this little angel snoozing in my arms. She is just too cute. She was out cold as if she had not slept for days. She was calm and comfortable knowing that Daddy had her in his arms, loving her and protecting her. Now I know what Father's Day should feel like. I was living the dream.
After dinner, we bathed Sydney and got her ready for bed. Tracie dressed Sydney in a new outfit. I think it is called a gown set. She was simply huggable. If only she had a pair of wings, she would make a perfect cherub.
I had her in my arms, belly down, and flying around the room as if she was an angel. She grinned broadly whenever we passed by a mirror, as if to say: "Thanks, Dad. I'm having a great time." I couldn't get enough of that toothless grin so I kept the game up for as long as I could, until my arms were worn out. As I set her down in her crib and grabbed my camera, I whispered a little prayer of thanks. I was grateful for a wonderful FIRST Father's Day. I can go to bed tonight with a smile on my face. There really is something to smile about on Father's Day afterall.
Since both companies where Tracie and I worked allowed summer hours which we would work extra hours during Monday through Thursday and then work half a day on Friday, we met up for a Friday afternoon date. We did not have to pick up Sydney from the daycare until 7:00pm. We thought it would be nice to take the afternoon to catch a movie. It was great to go on a date again. After the movie, we went to get Sydney. She was resting in the arms of one of the staff members. They had a present for me. It was from Sydney for Father's Day. They had made an imprint of Sydney's tiny little feet in a round dish of plaster and painted the footprints red for a gift. They had also made a card that read "From Sydney to Daddy. Walking into Daddy's heart." How sweet! It made my day. I thanked the staff profusely and picked up my little girl to smother her with kisses. Before we left, the staff told us that they adored Sydney and that each staff member vied for a turn to hold her throughout the day. She was alert and talkative. She had won everyone's heart. I was not surprised.
We ventured to a couple of malls on Saturday to take advantage of the nice weather. It was hot but rain was nowhere in sight. Tracie wanted to find a bathing suit for Sydney since we were heading to the beach in a few weeks. She found the most adorable one piece bathing suit at Gymboree...and a large sun hat and another outfit. It was not long after we got home that Tracie had Sydney trying out new clothes. What a sight! Tracie had her own personal life-size Barbie doll to play dress up. Sydney was a good sport. They were both laughing and playing, having a good time together. I have to admit that the bathing suit was just perfect. Sydney will be just the cutest thing on that beach.
Father's Day came. Today was a peaceful day. Tracie promised me I didn't have to do a thing that I did not want to do. I spent a couple of hours in the morning mowing the lawn and settled down inside the house to get out of the heat. I just wanted to spend time with my family. Tracie took off to go to the grocery store; I stayed home to look after Sydney.

After dinner, we bathed Sydney and got her ready for bed. Tracie dressed Sydney in a new outfit. I think it is called a gown set. She was simply huggable. If only she had a pair of wings, she would make a perfect cherub.

Awwwwww. Happy Father's Day!
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