She Has Hemerocallis !!
It finally happened. The email came last night from Denise with the results declared by the Subject line "Here It Is!!" We had waited for weeks for the outcome.
This is America. Anything can happen. Just last week, I was reading about the guy who used Craigslist to barter a red paperclip up all the way to a 1-year free rent in a duplex. It's amazing that with a bit of thick skin and determination, someone can achieve so much with just a paperclip. I wanted something cool and different to happen in my life. Cool I wanted. Cool I got. In a surprise email a few weeks back, my close friend, Denise, told me about a brilliant idea that she had. She had contacted a friend who owned Dougs Daylilies Nursery and was breeding new hybrid strains. He was always looking for great names for his new hybrids. She wanted him to use Sydney's name. How cool was that? She told him that Sydney was my frail little baby who had to be placed under filtered sunlight in the morning to help with her jaundice. With that idea, Sydney's Sun daylily was born, and the name reserved with the American Hemerocallis Society. The name Sydney's Sun won't be officially registered for about another month. I didn't even know such a bureaucratic process existed. It was never important to me how flowers were named. The fact that Sydney had a slight touch of jaundice wasn't a big deal; many newborns are like that. But how the idea took off was fantastic. I didn't know "hemerocallis" was even a word much less trying to pronounce it. My baby has it now. She has a hemerocallis of her very own.
I wish someone would name something after me. I used to think getting my face in the local newspaper was the bomb. I was photographed in the 5th grade with my class for winning the "Fire Prevention Week" bulletin board. I saved the newspaper clipping for years. Immortalize me for just 15 minutes of fame even if no one else cares. But this...this is true immortality. Sydney's Sun will bloom and shine in my yard for years, if I don't manage not to kill it first. I am a bit worried of my brown thumb. Plants and I are not the best of friends. Nonetheless, I will be getting the "mother" plant while my friend Denise will receive a "Baby Sydney" plant. Denise told me that Doug won't even have enough Sydney's Sun propagated to sell for another 3 years. You can bet this father is planning on keeping his daylily away from the public, especially those darn dogs in the neighborhood that have no respect for other people's properties. If anyone will be pooping on Sydney's Suns, it will be Sydney. I can't think of a better way to "personalize" one's own flowers, can you?

Sydney's Sun
Doug has my eternal gratitude for Sydney's Sun. I will be sending him a thank you note and a promise to give him my business if I need to order daylilies. Doug, Doug, he's the man. If he can't do it, nobody can. You rock, guy.
This is America. Anything can happen. Just last week, I was reading about the guy who used Craigslist to barter a red paperclip up all the way to a 1-year free rent in a duplex. It's amazing that with a bit of thick skin and determination, someone can achieve so much with just a paperclip. I wanted something cool and different to happen in my life. Cool I wanted. Cool I got. In a surprise email a few weeks back, my close friend, Denise, told me about a brilliant idea that she had. She had contacted a friend who owned Dougs Daylilies Nursery and was breeding new hybrid strains. He was always looking for great names for his new hybrids. She wanted him to use Sydney's name. How cool was that? She told him that Sydney was my frail little baby who had to be placed under filtered sunlight in the morning to help with her jaundice. With that idea, Sydney's Sun daylily was born, and the name reserved with the American Hemerocallis Society. The name Sydney's Sun won't be officially registered for about another month. I didn't even know such a bureaucratic process existed. It was never important to me how flowers were named. The fact that Sydney had a slight touch of jaundice wasn't a big deal; many newborns are like that. But how the idea took off was fantastic. I didn't know "hemerocallis" was even a word much less trying to pronounce it. My baby has it now. She has a hemerocallis of her very own.
I wish someone would name something after me. I used to think getting my face in the local newspaper was the bomb. I was photographed in the 5th grade with my class for winning the "Fire Prevention Week" bulletin board. I saved the newspaper clipping for years. Immortalize me for just 15 minutes of fame even if no one else cares. But this...this is true immortality. Sydney's Sun will bloom and shine in my yard for years, if I don't manage not to kill it first. I am a bit worried of my brown thumb. Plants and I are not the best of friends. Nonetheless, I will be getting the "mother" plant while my friend Denise will receive a "Baby Sydney" plant. Denise told me that Doug won't even have enough Sydney's Sun propagated to sell for another 3 years. You can bet this father is planning on keeping his daylily away from the public, especially those darn dogs in the neighborhood that have no respect for other people's properties. If anyone will be pooping on Sydney's Suns, it will be Sydney. I can't think of a better way to "personalize" one's own flowers, can you?

Doug has my eternal gratitude for Sydney's Sun. I will be sending him a thank you note and a promise to give him my business if I need to order daylilies. Doug, Doug, he's the man. If he can't do it, nobody can. You rock, guy.
Congrats on Sydney's Sun! I stumbled onto your site from my referrer's list. If you think the red paperclip project is cool, you should check out my little project, Mark's Million Dollar Dream. I'm trying to raise a million dollars by collecting $1 from a million people. Hopefully you can give a dollar. Thanks! Mark
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