Saturday, May 06, 2006

A morning with Sydney

Sydney:"Eahhhh .... What's up, ... DAD?"
Dad:"Good morning, Sydney. Want a surprise?"

Sydney: "Whatcha got? I'm all ears. "
Dad:"You'll like it."

Sydney: "Did you say ... FOOD ??"

Dad: "Thought that would get your attention. Any volunteers?"

Sydney: "OOOH .... OOOH ... OOOH .... pick me!! pick me!! ME, ME, ME !!!"

Dad: "Easy, baby girl. Mommy has to bathe you first."

Sydney: "Gimme ... Gimme ... I want it ...
[pant, pant]"

Dad: "Just a taste, ok?"

Sydney: "That was yummy. Got any more, Dad??"

Dad: "That's enough, baby."

Sydney: "Pssssssst, Mom. Can you help me out here??"

Dad: "Ahem. I thought we said just a taste. What are you doing with a bottle???"

Sydney: "What bottle? Where? Who? What?"

Sydney: "You're stressing me out, Dad. Don't you know I need sustenance?"


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