Saturday, April 14, 2007

Ascending To the Top

So Sydney can slide down the bed. She can even slide down the stairs, much to the chargrin of Tracie that I let Sydney do it under my supervision. But can she climb? It's just so happened that one of Sydney's favorite activities, when Mom is not around, is to climb the stairs. Just today, we went through our routine to get in a bit of exercise.

First, we checked to make sure the coast is clear. Sydney went to the door and peeked outside. Good, no one was watching especially Mom. I thought it was cute how she would stand on her toes most of the time. Tracie said it was not good for her. I don't know why Sydney does it but I don't really see the harm in it. Perhaps she was a ballerina is her past life.

Then we went to the couch to get a little warm up time in before tackling the main event. One leg up and push. And now the other leg, and push. One more set of leg raises and off we went to the stairs.

She was getting pretty good at it. Sydney could scoot up the stairs lickety split. Within seconds, she was almost half way up the stairs. She even turned around to make sure I was not far behind before continuing her journey. She looked almost as if she was saying: "C'mon, Dad, what's the hold up?" as I was snapping away on my digital camera a few steps behind.

Next thing I knew, she was half way up the stairs making her turn on all fours and smiling at me at her accomplishment. She was ready for the second half.

Once at the top of the stairs, she would go through her customary routine of kneeling and clapping her hands in celebration. Then she waited for me to catch up to give her a victory kiss before she slid down the stairs before Tracie found out what we did. Shhhhhh. It was our little secret adventure.


Blogger Shirley said...

Too darn cute!!!! Umm, they all do the tippy toe thing and usually do it for a while.

8:39 AM  

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